Frequently Asked Questions
I need a student certificate.
You can get the student certificate from the Registrar's Office.
What happens if I fail to fulfill the attendance requirement?
Then you cannot take the first Proficiency Exam to be held at the end of the academic year. You can apply for the following Proficiency Exams by registering as an undergraduate pending student. Please refer to the Student Handbook (ITU-TRNC School Of Foreign Languages - Preparatory Program) for the procedures to be followed for the particular term.
My exam grade or absenteeism hours entered in the system are incorrect. What should I do?
Please contact your Main Course instructor.
Which other exam results are accepted to qualify as proficient in English, and what are the minimum scores?
When is the next English Proficiency Exam?
You can find out the dates of the closest English Proficiency Exam and registration details by checking the Preparatory Academic Calendar. psfl-calendar.pdf
Is the English Proficiency Exam held only for ITU students?
No. Non-ITU candidates can also apply for the exam. You need to apply from the non-ITU student category during the application stage.
I am a prep student. Can I take the Proficiency Exam after Fall Semester/Spring Semester?
There are conditions depending on the class levels for participation in the Proficiency Exam held at the end of Fall Semester and the one at the end of the academic year. Please refer to the relevant section in the Student Handbook. (ITU-TRNC School Of Foreign Languages - Preparatory Program)
Where can I find practice questions from previous English Proficiency Exams?
If I pass the English Proficiency Exam, can I still continue my studies in the prep program?
No, the students who pass the English Proficiency Exam continue their education in their departments.